were A OFFICIAL BREWMASTER OF KOMBUCHA in fact its been several decades of kombucha Brewing for me WELL i also started dabiling in other products i now have Brewed Wine , Beer , now whisky -(sour mash(No its not for sale , ,,,,, it has to age in an oak barell for several years this is my first barell of whisky i have produced just for fun becuse i dont drink alcholic bevreges (except kombucha ) 000.005% but its a bucket list thing maybe my grand children will have some
this is a perfect GOLDEN AMERCAN strain SCOBY


please make sure your contact info is current SCOBYS are Alive and we will notifiy the day it was shipped so it wil not get left out in the mailbox or elements rememmber a SCOBY IS ALIVE TREAT IT LIKE ITS YOUR PET it needs warmth and care to grow
the home of TeaStarters

TeaStarters.net started in 1980 when we discovered the health effects of Brewing and drinking our own organic kombucha tea .
Hello valued customers we Founded TeaStarters in 1986 .after several years of Brewing kombucha tea for our family and friends . we decided that it was so well liked and wanted we should at least TRY to brew enough for everyone of our family and friends . (Remember the 80's it was a fad ) there was several special problems Refrigeration ,was a big one ! it was very expensive,,, To stop fermentation kombucha tea must be kept cold .around 58 deg F .or be pasturised but high heat removes the benifits from kombucha tea . becuse it is then devoid of many benifits and stripped of its natural probiotics & antibiotic effects ., the Bottling is a chore no matter what type of bottles you use they must be sterilised before thier filled in normal canning you use heat to seal the jars and product inside the jar sealing it . but not with kombucha heat will again destroy the kombucha natural effects As it happened these simple problems turned in to just to much work for a small outfit like us . plus its cost to give the tea away everyone was family ?. SO we had some Brainstorming Sessions we knew we cannot brew enough ourself ! (even with large glass fermenting vessles ) were just a few people who learned how to brew and love kombucha tea in our homes . so we decided we will use an old wise saying as an idea, Give a man a fish ! he eats for a day , but Teach a man TO fish he can Feed himself forever .well i thought GET a person a SCOBY and Teach them how to Easily brew thier own fantastic Healthy kombucha Tea for them selfs .
This is how TeaStarters .net started we still make fantastic kombucha tea. but its so much better when you can actually Brew Your Own. In your Home kitchen. the best part is you brew only what you need to drink the kombucha if left unrefrigerated will continue to ferment and eventually turn to kombucha vinagar. its the best for sailad dressings and other related vinagar uses its also less acidic than regular 5% apple cider vinagar fun and EASY . So let our Experts Teach you ! how to make your own REAL NON DiLUTED ORGANIC KOMUCHA TEA . WITH OUR SCOBY AND FULL INSTRUCTIONS TIPS AN TRICKS .from our master BrewMasters who have decades of brewing expertice. get your Kombucha SCOBY kits here today be drinking fresh kombucha by easter
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