welcome to TeaStarters . net   producing  fine Quality  and better mold resistant SCOBY mothers of several types 

we produce the finest. scoby. in the state 

while avalable new stock coming in january

Kombucha SCOBY( american ) mixed colors

US$24.95 US$12.00
while avalable new stock coming in january

Kombucha SCOBY( american ) mixed colors

US$24.95 US$12.00

kombucha approx 16gm  SCOBY plugs. great starter culture  these cultures are alive  NOT dehydraded powder. Alive and waiting to grow in your own tea mixture !  so delish becuse you get to chose the strength and flavors ..PLUS ITS JUST FUN and Healthy .

OUR SCOBYS are proven mothers 4 years old or older  ,  we have  many sizes up to 8 inch plate size SCOBY  american,,golden ,creamy ,white ,

blog comming soon.  we  will address some great questions ,and tips from real Brewmasters .in real world brewing situations  both private  and comercial .


Kombucha SCOBY( Kargasok) variaties

US$24.95 US$12.00

Kombucha SCOBY( Kargasok) variaties

US$24.95 US$12.00

3x3 kombucha  SCOBY plugs. great starter culture  these cultures are  alive  not dehydraded powder. alive and waiting to grow in your own tea mixture !  so delish becuse you get to chose the strength and flavors ..PLUS ITS JUST FUN 

they are proven mothers 4 years old or older  ,  we have  many sizes up to 8 inch plate size SCOBY  american, Kargasok,and  Manchurian varities

blog comming soon.  we  will address some great questions ,and tips from real Brewmasters .in real world brewing situations  both private  and comercial .


Kombucha SCOBY( american )

US$24.95 US$12.00

Kombucha SCOBY( american )

US$24.95 US$12.00

3x3 kombucha  SCOBY plugs. great starter culture  these cultures are  alive  not dehydraded powder. alive and waiting to grow in your own tea mixture !  so delish becuse you get to chose the strength and flavors ..PLUS ITS JUST FUN 

they are proven mothers 4 years old or older  ,  we have  many sizes up to 8 inch plate size SCOBY  american, Kargasok,and Manchurian varities.

blog comming soon.  we  will address some great questions ,and tips from real Brewmasters .in real world brewing situations  both private  and comercial .

kombucha SCOBY non typical