Kombucha SCOBY( machurian ) variarity

Resolution. for the new year. get a SCOBY
US$24.99 US$12.00
Item number: 130

we have upgraded our   SCOBY plugs.  you now recieve  a large 3 x3. scoby  and 8 oz of great starter culture  these cultures are  alive  not dehydraded powder. alive and waiting to grow in your own tea mixture !  so delish becuse you get to chose the strength and flavors ..PLUS ITS JUST FUN 

they are proven mothers 4 years old or older  ,  we have  many sizes up to 8 inch plate size SCOBY  american, Kargasok,and Manchurian varities , Instructions included .

Blog comming soon.  we  will address some great questions ,and tips from real Brewmasters .in real world brewing situations  both private  and comercial .